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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Men's Health Week: Guidelines for Good Arterial Health

Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Good Morning!

Men's Health Week: Guidelines for Good Arterial Health

From a healthy heart to a good sex life, the proper flow and circulation of blood in our arteries is one of the most important things we can do to maintain good health and push back the aging process.

There is a common denominator between good arterial health and disorders such as heart attack, obesity, diabetes and high glucose levels, as well as sexual health. That common denominator is blood.

One of the single most preventatives is a proper diet. Because diet strongly influences weight, sex hormone production, including testosterone, the health of our arteries and its flow, it is important to cut back on excess meat consumption, full fat, dairy products and a lack of vegetables and fruits in the diet.

Herbal medicine is a wonderful preventative solution. Complications can arise when taking herbal medicine and allopathic drugs your doctor has prescribed. Great caution should be used especially if you are on blood thinners, diuretics or any other heart related medication. Consult your doctor with any questions you may have, before taking additional herbs or supplements.

Blessed Thistle: Strengthens the heart.

Capsicum: Blood pressure and health of blood vessels, Capsicum stimulants circulation, enhances blood flow and is considered to be food for the circulatory system. Capsicum assists in lowering blood pressure and breaking down cholesterol buildup.

Cayenne Pepper is renowned, not only for healing the entire digestive system, and for arthritic pain relief, but also for the heart and circulatory system. It acts as a catalyst and increases the effectiveness of other herbs when used with them. Cayenne has been known to stop heart attacks within 30 seconds. Cayenne has a high source of Vitamins A & C, has the complete B complexes, and is very rich in organic calcium and potassium, which is one of the reasons it is good for the heart. Consider the synergy of taking both cayenne and Hawthorne berry together.

Cornsilk: Natural diuretic.

Folate (800 mg daily), a B complex and Zinc (15 mg daily) have shown to increase fertility and improve sperm motility.

Garlic: A rich source of potassium, zinc, selenium, vitamin A and Vitamin C, is commonly used to fight infection, increase circulation and help prevent cardiovascular disease. Consider eating raw Garlic every day; since it is a very effective antifungal agent, or use it in tincture form. Research has shown that garlic is an anti-cholesterol remedy and is recommended for heart and circulatory problems. This is a wonderful natural antibiotic and detoxifier which protects the body against infection by enhancing immune function, as well.

Goldenseal: Berberine, an active ingredient of goldenseal, can dilate blood vessels. Therefore, it may prove useful in the treatment of certain causes of both irregular heartbeat and heart failure.

Gotu Kola: Strengthens the heart and helps lower blood pressure.

Hawthorn Berry: a member of the rose family, was recognized by physicians in the early 1800s for its ability to treat disorders related to circulation and respiration (breathing). Considered a "cardiotonic" herb, the flowers and berries of the hawthorn plant have been used in traditional medicine to treat irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, chest pain, atherosclerosis, and congestive heart failure. Hawthorn berries contain large amounts of bioflavonoids, which help dilate and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, relax arteries, and improve circulation of blood to heart muscles. studies suggest that Hawthorn berry extract improves heart function and exercise capacity in those with CHF. Participants in research trials also report significantly improved symptoms (like reduced shortness of breath and fatigue). Hawthorn extract may even prove to be as effective as low doses of ACE inhibitors (a leading class of heart medication) in improving symptoms of congestive heart failure. Hawthorne must be taken daily to be affective.

Kelp: Helps to clean and maintain the arteries.

L-arginine (2 grams daily), an amino acid found in pumpkin seeds and L-citrulline (500 mg twice daily) may possibly increase nitric oxide production, which in turn increases blood flow and therefore can prevent erectile dysfunction and increase sperm count. Foods high in both these amino acids include pumpkin seeds, almonds, cocoa and real (dark) chocolate, garbanzo beans, peanuts, salmon, soy and walnuts.

Mistletoe: Used as a cardiac tonic to stimulate circulation, reduce blood pressure and arteriosclerosis and strengthen capillary walls. Constricts blood vessels and stimulates heart beat.

Motherwort: Improves blood flow circulation and reduces heart blood pressure and palpitations.

Myrrh: Quickens the hearts action.

Olive Leaf Extract: Naturally support the circulatory and immune systems.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids found in flaxseed and fish oil, appear to help protect against prostate cancer. Take 3 grams daily.

Rosemary: Is considered a heart tonic.

Saw Palmetto has been clinically proven to inhibit the enzyme involved in converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. These powerful berries from the saw palmetto palm tree, improve urine flow and decrease inflammation of the prostate gland. Take 160 mg, twice daily.

Consider Vitamin E, especially mixed tocopherols, which appears to work in synergy with lycopene to help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Take 400 IU daily.

Vitamin C works in synergy with Vitamin E and helps increase its function. Take 600 mg, twice a day.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit


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Stroke: Recognize the Signs

Good Morning!

Stroke: Recognize the Signs

Stroke is often referred to as a brain attack. It is considered the No. 1 cause of adult disability and the No. 3 cause of death in the United States. It striking more than 500,000 people every year. A stroke can happen at any age.

It is important to recognize stroke symptoms and act quickly. The effects of a stroke may include paralysis, poor memory and loss of speech.

Common stroke symptoms seen in both men and women:

-Sudden numbness or weakness of face, arm or leg (often on one side of the body)
-Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding
-Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
-Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination
-Sudden severe headache with no known cause

Women may report unique stroke symptoms:

-Sudden face and limb pain
-Sudden hiccups
-Sudden nausea
-Sudden general weakness
-Sudden chest pain
-Sudden shortness of breath
-Sudden palpitations

The acronym F.A.S.T. is a good way to recommend the signs of a stroke.

FAST stands for:

* Face: This tells you that if a person's face is drooping around the eye or mouth, this could be a sign of a stroke. If a person's face appears to be drooping and they are experiencing numbness, they could be having a stroke. Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop?

* Arm: This means you should check for arm weakness. A quick test is the inability to raise both arms over head. Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?

* Speech: Check for speech impairment, such as slurred speech or difficulty repeating simple phrases. Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence. Are the words slurred? Can they repeat the sentence correctly?

* Test: This is a reminder that if you do suspect a stroke, use the FAST method and seek medical attention. If the person shows any of these symptoms, time is important.

Spotting a stroke in a timely manner could allow clot-busting medications to be administered and other treatments to begin. If symptoms are spotted within three hours of onset, these people might be eligible for clot-busting medication.

One of the problems with stroke symptoms is that many people ignore them. For some, it's too late when they get to the hospital to do effective treatment options. People often think their symptoms are a big deal.

The first few minutes of a stroke are critical. Call 911, and seek attention right away.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS. L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Morgellons Disease continues to defeat scientists

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Morgellons Disease continues to defeat scientists

Burrowing bugs, delusions or a nervous disorder? Why can't medical
scientists get to the bottom of Morgellons Disease.

By Will Storr

Nick Mann was convinced that something was burrowing into his skin. The
48-year-old father of two had been for a walk in the beautiful grounds
of Abney Park Cemetery, down the road from his home in Hackney, east

It was sunny and he'd been wearing shorts and sandals. That evening, his
legs began itching. Marks sprang up all over his body. "I just knew
something was on me," he remembers. "Something digging or biting into my

Over the coming days, lesions opened up on his body. Running his
fingertips over them, he could feel something inside: it felt like
spines or fibres, he says. He began to feel tormented. What were these
bugs? How many were there? Would he ever be rid of them?

One afternoon, in desperation, Nick stripped naked in his kitchen and
determined to dig one out as soon as felt it 'bite'. "I stood there for
three or four hours, waiting," he says. "As soon as it did, I went for
it with a hypodermic needle. There was one on my nipple."

He pales slightly. "You know, I can't get that out of my head. It was so
painful. I dug the needle in and felt it flicking against something that
wasn't me. And I just carried on digging and scooping." It took nearly
four hours. "At one point my wife came in and saw blood dripping down my

By the end of the afternoon, Nick had dug out three of the mysterious
entities from his body. They were so small, he says, you could only see
them when they moved. Having managed to transfer them into a jar, he
proudly showed his wife. Karen peered into the pot. She could see
nothing. Nick, however, knew he was on the verge of discovering what
this strange and maddening condition was.

It was back in 2001 that the first modern-day reports of a mysterious
"fibre disease" began to emerge from the US. When Mary Leitao's
two-year-old son complained of "bugs in his skin" and subsequently broke
out in lesions, the worried mother examined him with a toy microscope.

Under the lens, she found bizarre, many-coloured fibres. Leitao
christened the condition Morgellons Disease, after a similar bizarre
outbreak of "harsh hairs" on children that was reported in the 17th

She was compelled to name it herself for a simple, but surprising
reason: doctor after doctor dismissed her concerns. They said she was
neurotic; that it was a figment of her imagination.

A decade later, Leitao's Morgellons Research Foundation claims to have
been contacted by more than 12,000 families from all over the world. All
of them claim to have the itch, the lesions and the fibres. But the vast
majority of sufferers had been dismissed by medical professionals as
being mentally ill, with a condition known as Delusions of Parasitosis,
in which sufferers are falsely convinced that they are infested.

Despite this, in 2006, there was enough pressure put on the American
government for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] to
form a task force to look into the matter. "We're not ready to concede
there's a new disease," a spokesman said at the time. "But the volume of
concern has stepped up because a lot of people are writing or calling
their congressmen about it."

One of the few academics to accept that Morgellons might be real is
Randy Wymore, associate professor of pharmacology at Oklahoma State
University. "I thought it sounded crazy," he remembers.

"I knew it was thought to be delusional, so I asked some Morgellons
sufferers to send samples of the fibres, figuring if it was delusional,
they would never show up. But 48 hours later, Fed Ex packages started
arriving. I borrowed a microscope to examine them. And they looked a
little odd."

Wymore asked agents in the forensics department of the Tulsa police
department for a second opinion. "Within about 30 seconds, one of them
said, 'Uh, I don't think I've ever seen anything like this'."

The fibres didn't match any of the 85,000 organic substances they had on
their files. "I was both shocked and not shocked," recalls Wymore. "I
already thought these fibres were kind of unusual, and this just
validated it."

Wymore has now been working on the DNA of the fibres for five years. So
far, none of the samples he has sent into the laboratory has proved to
be anything mysterious. Results have included nylon, cotton, a human
hair, a fungal fibre and a rodent hair.

Yet more evidence that Morgellons patients are merely delusional?
World-renowned neurologist Dr Anne Louise Oaklander is not so sure.
Oaklander, an associate professor of neurology at Harvard Medical
School, is an expert in itching. She believes that sufferers might have
developed nerve disorders that are being misdiagnosed.

"Morgellons is not a disease with a unifying cause, but a constellation
of symptoms that can be caused by different underlying diagnoses," she
says. "In my experience, these patients have a severe itch disorder
that's unexplained, and because itch is the sensation that we feel when
an insect lands on our skin, or grubbing about among the hairs of our
body, these patients make a logical conclusion: which is that there must
be insects here, causing these insect-like sensations."

She explains that the brain can mistakenly experience the feeling of
insects if the nervous system was damaged following shingles and
sciatica, or by the growth of spinal cord tumours.

"What often happens, though, is a physician does not find a skin
disorder, so jumps to a psychiatric conclusion. But what they should be
doing is looking for underlying neurological explanations."

So what all does this mean for Nick Mann? Are the fibres in his skin
real? Is he delusional? Or does he have an undiagnosed nerve disorder?

In fact, Nick turned out to be an extraordinary case. While it's common
for GPs to diagnose patients claiming to suffer from unexplained itching
as delusional, this was unlikely in his case, because Nick himself is a GP.

"I took the three mites I'd caught to our local Homerton Hospital," he
says. "A technician mounted one on a slide, put it under a microscope
and said 'Beautiful'. Everyone gathered around saying 'Ooh, look at that'."

It was definitely something. But they didn't know what. "They sent it to
the Natural History Museum, which identified it within a day," says
Nick, "as a Tropical Rat Mite."

Although museum experts doubted the mites could live on the skin, the GP
has no doubt that is what they were doing. "What these mites do is go in
through the hair follicles and find a blood vessel at the bottom. That's
where they sit and that's what the 'fibres' are -- their legs folded back."

Nick, who treated himself with an antiparasitic drug to eradicate the
infection, can only guess that he picked up the mites walking in the
cemetery. Despite the name, they are not exclusive to hot climates.

Nick believes it likely that many patients who claim to have Morgellons
are actually infected by Tropical Rat Mites. However, he agrees with Dr
Oaklander that this diagnosis is unlikely to explain all cases. "There
doesn't appear to be a single explanation for it," he says.

Perhaps the mystery will finally be solved when the Centers for Disease
Control release their report. Currently in the peer-review process,
publication is thought to be imminent.

Causes and cures: starting from scratch

Itching is a common symptom but can be severe and frustrating. It can be
localised, or all over the body and there are numerous causes and
various treatments.


A non-infectious skin condition -- eczema, psoriasis or prurigo (fluid
filled blisters).

Allergies -- nickel, medication, washing powder, cosmetics or food.

An insect or parasite -- bites, scabies, head lice, bed bugs or ticks.

Fungal and viral infections, such as measles, athlete's foot, ringworm
and thrush.

Chronic conditions

Some types of cancer, thyroid problems, hepatitis and liver disease.

Hormonal changes in the body during the menopause and pregnancy.


Visit your GP for a diagnosis if your itching is severe, prolonged or
recurring. Seek medical advice if itching is associated with other
symptoms, such as breathing problems, inflammation or yellowing of the
skin and eyes.

A physical assessment may be able to determine the cause of the itching,
but your doctor may

also carry out a blood test, skin scraping, swab or biopsy to diagnose
the underlying cause of the problem.


Treatment will depend on the cause of the itching. Bathing skin in
lukewarm water and avoiding skin irritants, such as certain fabrics,
tight fitting clothing and perfumed cosmetics.

Medication or creams may be prescribed. Antihistamines may be advisable
for insect bites or if an allergy has been diagnosed.

For more information, see, _http://www.cdc.gov/unexplaineddermopathy/_

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Beyond Anti-intellectual Spirituality: Philosophy as a Spiritual Path

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Beyond Anti-intellectual Spirituality: Philosophy as a Spiritual Path

with Larry Goldberg, PhD

Many spiritual traditions have encouraged the cultivation of certain
states of mind, such as the love, devotion, or surrender emphasized in
the Abrahamic traditions and pure consciousness or awareness devoid of
distracting thoughts, desires, or attachments emphasized in the East.
Although the heights of human emotion and awareness achieved have
deepened our compassion and relieved much suffering in the world, the
critical role that our intellectual life plays in guiding our
understanding of our place in the universe, biosphere, and society and
in identifying the specific needs of the people and life around us has
too often been neglected.

Many New Age teachings have often carried the neglect of intellectual
concerns to a new level in presupposing that there is no reality outside
our minds and therefore no constraint on what we can create. The
importance of continually extending and justifying our understanding and
values is not only neglected, it is opposed. Although there are formal
philosophical schools of thought, such as idealism, phenomenology, and
existentialism, which might be sympathetic to such views, a broader
consideration of epistemology and ethics would favor a more critical
approach to the development of our worldviews. In this talk, we will
review the spiritual significance of philosophical thought in guiding
our transformation of self and world.


The Caritas Spiritist Center

5723 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 1A

Boulder, CO 80303


www.CaritasSpiritistCenter.org <http://www.caritasspiritistcenter.org/>

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Monday, August 1, 2011


Monday, August 1, 2011
Coastal Living

Summer on the water is an amazing experience! Shimmering shores, turquoise sea, gentle harbors and spectacular light are all the gifts nature has to offer this time of year! If you are not able to get to the beach, you can always bring the beach to you with Andrew's incredible ocean massage oil, his beautifully scented ocean breeze floral water or the energetic ocean bath salts. Embellish your home with the seashell potpourri or gemstone and sea glass potpourri. Enlighten your home with the wonderful summer breeze candle gift collection!

Go Coastal!

Gifts From The Sea

The healing power of the sea is alluring and rejuvenating. You will be amazed at the many healing remedies from sea salt. Consider doing Andrew's wonderful meditation, lying by the seashore. Some of Andrew's favorite gifts from the sea include his Law of Attraction necklace, the shimmering pearl and gemstone necklace, the ever popular water and air pendants and his coral jewelry. Sea lovers may also be interested in the precious abalone shells, ammonite fossils or the ocean tumbled granite!

Find your gift...
http://www.peacefulmind.com/articless.htm#The Healing Power of the Sea

Hot Weather Health

Summer is the season when certain disorders are more prevalent than at other times of the year. Sunburn can affect almost any area of the body. Prevention is key. Heat exhaustion can occur with over work or play, in high heat. Learn how to prevent heat exhaustion. Get help for skin rashes, irritation and dermatitis, which are prevalent in summer. Discover natural remedies for treating cuts and bruises. Consider using essential oils as natural pesticides and remedies for treating insect bites. In summer, our feet are most exposed to the elements. Get tips on summer foot care. The spleen and stomach are associated with Late Summer and are considered the main organs for detoxing and cleansing the body during this season.

Stay Healthy!

Soul Satisfying Journeys

Trip the light fantastic! Whether you are traveling for business, taking a family vacation, going on retreat or enjoying a "stay-cation", here is a guide to keep you safe, healthy and aware. Whatever your idea of travel, here you can learn how to take a soul satisfying journey, discover how to create a travel journal, experience the lucid state of astral travel and get tips on what to take on your journeys. For any journey, utilize the power of essential oils, the metaphysical properties of crystals and gemstones and visit Andrew's most recent blog and read about his soul satisfying journeys!

What's your journey?

Men's Health Care

Productivity is at the center of a man's existence. If a man is not productive, he does not feel at his optimal best! Aging research is proving over and over again, that we can prevent and delay heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease, the major causes of disability and death in men over 50. Eating healthy, exercising, and kicking harmful addictions, such as smoking, can add years to a mans life. From a healthy heart to a good sex life, the proper flow and circulation of blood in our arteries is one of the most important things we can do to maintain good sexual health and push back the aging process including such issues as erectile dysfunction, low testosterone, andropause and hair loss or thinning hair.

Concerns for men...

Herkimer Diamonds

This past weekend I had the priviledge of visiting the Herkimer Diamond mine in upstate New York. This was one of the many adventures on my to do list and I had a wonderful experience! These clear crystals closely resemble Diamonds but are really Quartz. Considered a "Dream stone", they are used in meditation or under your pillow to enhance visualization, astral travel into the light and dream recall. Most effective on the Brow and Crown Chakra therefore, this stone shifts the brain powerfully into alpha/deep stillness. Amplifies and stores thoughts, energy; and can be used as a bridge to stimulate energy flow up through the Chakra centers...

Learn more...

Sea Shell Massage

Based on Andrew's article the healing power of the sea, this fantastic kit brings the magic of the sea to your massage table. This amazing massage therapy is a unique blend of styles Andrew has learned on his journeys through Hawaii, Bali, Phuket and the Bahamas! These sea shells are NOT filled OR coated with anything! This is a completely all natural product that uses only product from nature and ancient techniques learned from island cultures. Your clients will experience the beauty of a sea shell massage using a variety of fantastic hand picked shells!

Learn more about natural therapy! http://www.peacefulmind.com/summer.htm#Sea Shell Massage Kit

Medical Spa

The term "Medical Spa" has fast become the new spa incarnation. Although, alternative treatments lurked on the fringes of many spas for years, nowadays, hotstone massage, crystal facials, acupuncture and facial rejuvenation, anti-aging therapies and water therapies have become the norm. I have even seen many of these services now offered in nail and hair salons! The spa industry is integrating world modalities in healing and healthcare in order to keep up with customer's demands for living a cleaner, healthier, less toxic lifestyle, as well as, the one-stop shopping mentality.

Create your own spa!

Spirituality and Belief Systems

A healthy belief system is considered to be one of diminished fear and the daily experience of unconditional love, joy, gratitude, and a personal relationship with your God (or an awareness of an inner source of infinite power and compassion.) Learn how to create a healthy belief system. Understand how the belief in ourselves can improve our own healing power. See how the power of the mind has the power over the physical body and then consider taking our Wellness IQ Test. Discover The Power of Spirituality.

Become more InSpirational!

Acupuncture and Low Testosterone

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. is seeing new patients for acupuncture and herbal medicine in his office in New York City on Wednesdays 9am-8pm.
Get help for: ~poor blood circulation ~ trauma injuries ~low libido ~stress reduction ~no sex drive ~neuralgia ~poor motility ~morphology issues ~male infertility ~aging concerns ~testicular pain ~and much more!
Find out more about the power of acupuncture and how it works , Chinese Herbal Medicine, Acupressure/TuiNa, Skin and Facial Rejuvenation, Mind Medicine, Weight Loss, or Acupuncture: Pre and Post Surgery.

Discover more... http://www.peacefulmind.com/articlesm.htm#testosterone boosters

Essential Oils As Pesticides

Many essential oils exist that have uses as pesticides such as citrus oils, mint oil, pine oil, capsicum (pepper) extracts, tree oils and vegetable oils. The essential oil of Bergamot, Anise, Sage, Tea tree, Geranium, Mint, and Thyme, Hyssop, Rosemary, Thyme, and White Clover can be used to control certain pests on plants. They have been shown to reduce the number of eggs laid and the amount of feeding damage by certain insects, particularly lepidopteran caterpillars.

Discover the best natural pesticides... http://www.peacefulmind.com/summer.htm#Essential Oils and Insects

Ocean Breeze Bath Salts

Natural sea salts infused with organic essential oils for your bath or foot soak. They relax, rejuvenate, and revitalize your skin, tone your body and make for a healing experience. Ocean Breeze is a blend of light coconut and gardenia

Feel the breeze!
http://www.peacefulmind.com/summer.htm#Bath Salts

Male Performance

This all natural remedy for vitality is used to help increase libido, and sperm count and testosterone levels. This is a safe herbal granule blend in capsules developed by our Chinese medicine specialist based on a traditional blend of herbs used for centuries.

Safe, effective alternative... http://www.peacefulmind.com/sex.htm#Male Performance

Abalone Shells

Embracing the colors of the ocean in its blues, greens, purples and yellows. This unique shell embodies all the aspects of the water element including love, beauty, gentleness, caring, comfort, peacefulness, delight and solace It is soft to the touch from repeated tumbling in the sand and water

Precious sea shells! http://www.peacefulmind.com/specialties.htm#Abalone Shell

Homeopathic First Aid Kit

Your Homeopathic First Aid Kit is very useful to have around the house, in the car or on vacation. Make sure your kit is readily available when you need it! This kit contains the top ten homeopathic remedies that would normally be enough to treat most first aid situations

Ready for your travels?

Summer Magazines

Summer Music Therapy

Chakra Kit

Deluxe Incense

Organic Supplements

Daily Horoscopes

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