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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Scientific Testing

Saturday, July 30, 2011
*How Accurate Is Scientific Testing?*

What is meant by "peer reviewed"? What is so-called blind and double blind
testing and how accurate is it? Why do "scientists" refuse to even look at
anecdotal evidence?

*Peer Reviewed:* What this means is that persons just like the person who
wrote the report thought it was accurate. Doesn't this mean that those
peers are just as "educationally handicapped" as the person who wrote the
report. Or, is it merely a friend who thinks like you? There have been at
least 4 "peer reviewed" articles in various medical journals proving that
vitamin C is not useful against cold and flu viral infections. All of them
are false, yet believed by many, particularly the persons aimed at (Medical

From the books and studies that Medical Doctors have received in Med School,
they believe that 75 mg of vitamin C is a "good" Required Daily Allowance
(RDA). This is the best example I know of, for "educationally handicapped"
as a label for MD's.

Of all the animals, we primates lost one enzyme some 65 million years ago.
That particular enzyme was crucial as it is needed to transform blood sugar
(glucose) into ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Virtually all other animals
actually manufacture vitamin C *as needed*. It just so happens we do have a
good reliable "tested" RDA for a 150 pound primate - an ape whose need for
vitamin is the same as ours. WOW! That figure is 4000 mg. And that is
just an average. If that ape gets sick, it may be10 times that figure

Here's another fact. Virus and bacteria multiply in the blood by binary -
that is, they double about every 20 minutes. That means that in 200
minutes, the amount of virus cells can go from 1 to over 1000, and in
another 200 minutes to a million. Yes, billion and then trillion are next.

The "phony" Vitamin C reports were either only 1000mg (1 gram) or less.
That's per hour. By the time that symptoms are bad enough for notice by the
person, they are in the billions. This means that 1000 mg simply cannot kill
off even half of the virus cells.

For arguments sake, let's say that this amount does kill of half of the
invading cells. In 20 minutes, you're back to the original levels, and in
40 minutes, it's twice the original, and by the time the hour has passed,
you're up to double the original, and another 1 gram won't kill more than a
quarter. Binary is very fast multiplication.

I am totally against vaccines of any kind. Do you know what I do that stops
a cold or virus immediately? I take 4 grams of vitamin C every 15 minutes.
By the half hour or so, all symptoms are gone, and I often have to go no
further, but I then take one every 15 minutes to just "mop up" any hidden
survivors. Much cheaper and much less problem than any drugs.

All those "peer reviewed" studies were false because of the lack of
"correct" knowledge not taught in medical schools. Any MD"s who learn such
do so on their own, and it takes exceptional persons to do that.

* Blind and Double Blind testing: *This the "common" test where there is
an actual drug, and a "placebo" (sort of sugar pill harmless and ineffective
- supposedly).* *The placebo is the "control", and the drug is tested for
how effective it is as opposed to the "nothing" pill.*

In 1948, I met Joseph Banks Rhine at Duke, had dinner with he and his wife
and spent the night in his spare bedroom. (For those who don't know about
Joe, he invented the term Extra Sensory Perception. In 1932, his book "The
Mind of Man" created a furor. Psychologists called him a quack whose
mathematics were wrong. Mathematical PhD's claimed they didn't believe him
either, but his math was perfect. Joe actually started his testing of ESP
to debunk it, and wound up proving that it did exist and wasmuch more valid
that thought.

Joe and I had corresponded,as I had done a lot of research over a year or
more using his 'Rhine Cards"). All my testing of various subjects had
proven to me that hypnosis could increase ESP ability. Joe's testing in his
lab showed exactly the opposite. We argued (not fought) until 2 in the AM,
but couldn't find any way that either of us was either wrong or right.

Years later in writing my doctoral thesis, I decided to write it on
hypnosis, and in the course of my reading, I found several different tests
where one hypnotist got one answer and another got a different answer. That
is Professor A did test A, and got result A. Professor B did test A but got
result B. This led me to the answer.

Look at 2 very well proven postulates in hypnosis and ESP.

1. A hypnotized person has an almost "insane" desire to please the

2. ESP does exist, and the unconscious mind knows much more than we do.

Now, if those two postulates are true and well proven, as they both are
albeit in differing sciences. Here are a few conclusions that can be seen.

1. At least some of the tested in blind and double blind know unconsciously
what the experimenter wants to prove, (and also which pill they got) and
they will strive to give him/her that result. I wanted to prove that ESP
was improved in some by hypnosis, yet Joe wanted to prove the opposite. We
both got what we wanted. (I was very sorry that he had died before I
figured that out as he would have been as delighted with it as I was.)

2. Now let's look at the opposite. Suppose that many of the persons
involved for some reason don't like the experimenter. Now, that gets wrong

I do not believe that there is any such thing as "blind" or even "multiple
blind". Joe proved most of that years ago. Too bad his research has been
largely forgotten.

*Anecdotal Evidence: *This is anything that is not "proven" by the above
"scientific" research. In other words, just because there are a hundred
similar stories of how a certain "thing" cured someone of something, that's
not proven evidence.

I have to agree that one or even 2 cases aren't proof, but when the numbers
reach over 100, or even 10, that's evidence that should not be ignored. I
work within the limits of the unconscious mind, and there are many things
that cannot be measured and researched in that area. That does not mean
that they are false.

My Neuroliminal Training has definitely solved at least 4 known allergies
that were impacting my life. (The FDA forbids me to say the "cure" word -
how's that for nonsense? I have hundreds of anecdotes for the same allergy
experiences from many people. How can you test scientifically the
unconscious mind? No two are the same in the first place. I found out
that with Joe and I and our tests that proved conclusively that we were both
right, and both wrong at the same time.

Of course, I haven't even touched on the MD 'whores" that when paid by Big
Pharma falsify tests.

Do I trust any medical or drug testing at this time? Very little - now you
know my reasons.
From Dr Mercola
This Almost Perfect Food Gobbles Up Your Body's Toxins


Worries About New Gonorrhea Superbug


The Studies You Should Never, Ever Believe


The "New" Hidden Pandemic Sweeping Across America


The Soap You Should Never Use - But 75% of Households Do

From Natural News:

up-to-date A-to-Z list of the worst ingredients you'll find in food.


CAD mammography shown to be medically useless


Why are Monsanto and DuPont buying up all the seed companies? (and other


Peach pit kernels contain powerful anti-cancer medicine that few know about


Cholesterol drugs promote diabetes.


UK scientists secretly created 150 human/animal hybrid embryos known as
"cybrids" and "chimeras." They included animal eggs fertilized with human

From NewsMax Health:

A Medical Conspiracy?


Beat Common Headaches


Doctors� Top 10 Anti-aging Tips Fight Effects of Time

From Gil Shepard (Int Psy)

Study of Medical Devices is attacked - unseen NYTIMES


From Autism Florida

The Comic/Tragic Politics of the Autism/Asperger World:
Columbia University Lecture

From Alliance for Natural Health

That's the digest for this week. The revision of the website "
www.drbate.com is nearly finished. There are now over 100 free articles to
help improve your health. These range from PMS to Schizophrenia to Cancer.
All of the old pages are now transformed into articles. One woman told me
that she spent over 2 hours and was going back for more. There's something
there that will help you, and most of it's free. NT CD's are the only thing

Phil Bate PhD - Inventor of NT Therapy
NT Solves ADD-Autism, Depression,
http://drbate.com - philbatephd@gmail.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



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Friday, July 22, 2011

Free Travel

Friday, July 22, 2011

Do you love to travel?

Does the thought of enjoying exotic destinations while enjoying once-in-a-lifetime experiences sound like a dream come true?

What if I told you ...

You can have everything you dreamed of and more? What if I told you – that you could do all the above and get paid for it!

It's True ...

You can travel, and experience things you never thought possible – and get paid for it!
My name is Cherie. For over 20 years I have traveled to far away faraway places that many people only dream of – and I got paid to do it! I have lived this life and I have experienced wondrous cultures, foods, sites and peoples -- all while making money! for detil

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Lunch with Allan Kardec

Monday, July 11, 2011
Good Morning!

Soul Satisfying Journeys: Lunch with Allan Kardec

I love Paris. Perhaps it is because of it's air of romanticism, amazing architecture or incredible history, it is a city that keeps me in awe, every time I revisit. This trip was extra special as we had a purpose and that was to have lunch with Allan Kardec. He is known today as the man who arranged Spiritism according to a system. He systematized his scientific knowledge of these beliefs and therefore, he laid the foundation with the five books of the Gospel Explained by the Spiritist Doctrine. The fundamental tenets of Spiritism, according to Kardec, are found in his seminal work, Spirits' Book and are two fold. The first is the belief in the existence of spirits or the non-physical beings that live in the invisible space around us (spirit world). The second, is the possibility of communication between these spirits and living people through mediumship.

It was Tonio who first introduced me to this incredibly interesting man, through his mystical writings and list of questions Kardec compiled to present to the spirit world. He published his first book on Spiritism, Spirits' Book. It is comprised of a series of 1,018 answered questions exploring matters concerning the nature of spirits, the spirit world, and the relations between the spirit world and the material world. He compiled a list of questions and began working with mediums and channelers to ask the spirits themselves. These answers are found in his book. This was followed by a series of other books, including The Mediums' Book, The Gospel According to Spiritism, a periodical, the Revue Spirite, and The Book on Mediums: Guide for Mediums and Invocators, which Kardec published himself.

Born, Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail, he took the name "Allan Kardec" after having a past life reading, where a spirit identified as Zefiro, told him about a previous incarnation of himself as a Druid priest by that name. Rivail liked the name so much he decided to use it as a pen name when writing his codex books in order to keep his Spiritists writings separate from his day job, which was writing basic books for high school students.

Sunday, July 10, 2011. It is a beautiful sunny day in Paris as we walk up the cobblestone street in Pere Lachaise, to see Allan Kardec. We have a petite picnic basket with a baguette, some, ham, cheese and red wine, of course. We have some delectable, sweet biscuits and we also carry with us a candle from the church of Notre Dame, a handful of flowers and wine glasses and I brought along some of my most favorite stones to boost the spiritual frequency and encourage my spirit guides.

As we come to his tomb, it is filled with hundreds of flowers. (It is reputed to be one of the most flowered at the Cimetiere. I think this is because he was known as a spirtual man.) A bust of Allan's head sits centered on a pedestal with a huge slab of stone behind it and two stone pillars in front. There are flags and notes all around the well-kept grave site. Carved in the stone roof above is the phrase, "Naitre, mourir, renaitre encore et progresser sans cesse, telle est la loi" ("To be born, die, again be reborn, and so progress unceasingly, such is the law").

Allan Kardec coined the word "spiritism". Visitors from all over the world, especially from Brazil where his doctrine has a half million followers, come to pay homage at his tombstone.

Tonio approached the grave and felt "called" to the back of the monument where he placed his back against the stone and prayed. I went to the bust and placed my hand on the shoulder. The bronze statue was shiny from so many others connecting with his likeness. After a while, we sat in a space next to the tomb. We offered up the lit candle from Notra Dame, poured a glass of wine as we each placed a personal item together with the other offerings at the base of the pedestal.

I set up a spiritual mandala of blue kyanite in a large healing circle. I laid out four selenite chunks, one for each direction. In between, I laid handfuls of tumblestones in between to encourage my spirit guides, labradorite and sardonyx for protection, malachite for increasing the earth's electromagnetic pulse, chiastolite, the "cross stone" for honoring both death and rebirth and infinite to clear the environment. I love to use these crystals to promote contact with entities which have passed in order to bring knowledge concerning healing and spirituality.

We sat and enjoyed our lunch. We met many people that day coming to see the place where the great spiritist was layed to rest. Tonio spoke Spanish and Portuguese to some of the inquirers and I was able to communicate in French to several others who came to lay flowers and flags at the foot of the stone. Although our cultures and languages were so different, our common thread was the spiritual attraction and psychological intrigue Allan had left us.

Allan Kardec was Born, October 3, 1804 in Lyons - Died March 31, 1869 in Paris. His loving wife, Amelie Gabrielle Boudet is also buried with him.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS. L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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Friday, July 8, 2011


Friday, July 8, 2011

From a Chinese Professor.

Keep a syringe or needlein your home to do this...It's amazing and an unconventional way of recovering from stroke, read it through it can help somebody one day.

This is amazing. Please keep this very handy. Excellent tips.
Do take a minute to read this. You'll never know, ones life may depend on you.

My father was paralyzed and later diedfrom the result of a stroke. I wish I knew about this first aidbefore.
When stroke strikes, the capillaries in the brain will gradually burst. (Irene Liu)
When a stroke occurs, stay calm.

No matter where the victim is, do not move him/her.Because, if moved, the capillaries will burst.

Help the victim to sit up where he/she is to prevent him/her from falling over againand then the blood letting can begin..

If you have in your home an injection syringethat would be the best.

Otherwise, a sewing needleor a straight pinwill do.

1. Place the needle/pin over fire to sterilize it and then use it to prick the tip of all ......10 fingers.
2. There are no specific acupuncture points, just prick about an mm from the fingernail.
3. Prick till blood comes out.
4. If blood does not start to drip, then squeeze with your fingers.
5. When all 10 digits is bleeding, wait a few minutes then the victim will regain consciousness.

6. If the victim's mouth is crooked, then pull on his ears until they are red.
7. Then prick each earlobe twice until two drops of blood comes from each earlobe.
After a few minutes the victim should regain consciousness.

Wait till the victim regains his normal state without any abnormal symptoms then take him to the hospital.
Otherwise, if he was taken in the ambulance in a hurry to the hospital, the bumpy trip will cause all the capillaries in his brain to burst.

If he could save his life, barely managing to walk, then it is by the grace of his ancestors.
'I learned about letting blood to save life from Chinese traditional doctor, Ha Bu Ting, who lives in Sun Juke.

Furthermore, I had practical experience with it. Therefore, I can20say this method is 100% effective.
In 1979, I was teaching in Fung Gaap College in Tai Chung.

One afternoon, I was teaching a class when another teacher came running to my classroom and said in panting,
'Ms Liu, come quick, our supervisor has had a stroke!'. I immediately went to the 3rd floor.
When I saw our supervisor, Mr. Chen Fu Tien, his colourwas off, his speech was slurred, his mouth was crooked- all the symptoms of a stroke.

I immediately asked one of the practicum students to go to the pharmacy outside the school to buy a syringe, which I used to prickMr. Chen's 10 fingers tips.

When all 10 fingerswere bleeding (each with a pea-sized drop of blood),after a few minutes, Mr. Chen's face regained its colourand his eyes' spir it returned,

But his mouth was still crooked. So I pulled on his earsto fill them with blood. When his ears became red,
I prickedhis right earlobetwiceto let out two drops of blood.

When both earlobeshad two drops of blood each, a miracle happened.
Within 3-5 minutesthe shape of his mouth returnedto normal and his speech became clear.

We let him rest for a whileand have a cup of hot tea, then we helped him go down the stairs, drove him to Wei Wah Hospital . He rested one night and was released the next day to return to school to teach. . Everything worked normally.
There were no ill after effects.
On the other hand, the usual stroke victimusually suffers Irreparable bursting of the brain capillaries on the way to the hospital. As a result, these victims never recover.' (Irene Liu)Therefore, stroke is the second cause of death. The lu cky ones will stay alive but can remain paralysed for life.

It is such a horrible thing to happen in ones life.

If we can all remember this blood letting methodand start the life saving process immediately, in a short time, the victim will be revived and regain 100% normality.


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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Gall bladder 2

Thursday, July 7, 2011
 Today I got a story, and this story may be useful for you
Hello Everyone,
My name is Dawn, I've been on here for awhile now & have learned a great deal from you all, but this is my first time posting. I've always been interested in natural medicine, but haven't had any real issues until now.

I have always had problems with my digestion. The first thing I cut from my diet about 20 years ago was artificial ingredients. Over the years I continued to cut out anything I found that upset my digestion. So when I started having more digestive issues I just thought it was time I went totally vegetarian. That was going really well until I became concerned with the lack of protein in my diet. 2 days after adding eggs & peanut butter to my diet I ended up in the hospital.

My ultra sound didn't show anything, but the ct scan showed a thickening of the gall bladder wall. Nothing showed up on the MRI except divertasomething which was "inactive".(I forget the name!I do know what it is though).

The real worry (I think)is with my liver, The liver count(?) was really high when I went in, but lowered by the time I left, but it tested positive for hepatitis, not a contagious type.
All the blood tests results weren't in on my last doctor's visit, & I have more blood tests Monday, so there could still be other issues.

They say my gall bladder is inflamed & needs to be removed & I need a liver biopsy. I'm kinda ok with the biopsy part, but I hope I can avoid the removal part. They want to do it at the same time. I am hoping someone could suggest alternatives for me to look into?
Thank you.

John Libonati talk
Celiac disease can cause both issues: fatty liver and gallbladder disease. Regarding gallbladder, chronic inflammation of the intestinal lining blocks the common bile duct. Over time bile backs up and the gallbladder is affected. Non-alcoholic cirrhosis (fatty liver/elevated liver enzymes) is directly or indirectly caused by gluten ingestion. We have articles related to both on our website, as well as everything you need to know about gluten disorders.

I have met people who were taken off the liver transplant list because they healed. Same with gallbladder.

Doctors do not consider dietary intervention and gluten removal for treatment. When their patients recover, they attribute it to "spontaneous remission."

I encourage you to consider gluten sensitivity and celiac disease before they try to cut out your organs.

John Libonati

Tel. 215-591-4565

"Recognizing Celiac Disease"
The Complete Guide to Recognizing, Diagnosing and Managing Celiac Disease

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gall bladder

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Before losing your gall bladder I'd try the liver flush first..perhaps
combined with some parasite cleanses. The fact that the gall bladder
itself is inflamed goes to show likely to be the irritating factor there
which is likely gall stones or parasites. Both won't show up on films.
Mine certainly didn't. while it is debatable whether it is harmless to
lose one's gall bladder..if you've grown accustomed to yours and would
like it keep it...I'd certainly give it a try. I don't know why they
would want to biopsy if they don't show any mass..thickening is not
enough to warrant that IMO. If you feel discomfort especially after
eating or drinking something with fat in it....then you've got stone sin
your liver and gall bladder.

Hello Everyone,
I've been on here for awhile now&
> have learned a great deal from you all, but this is my first time
> posting. I've always been interested in natural medicine, but haven't
> had any real issues until now.
> I have always had problems with my digestion. The first thing I cut
> from my diet about 20 years ago was artificial ingredients. Over the
> years I continued to cut out anything I found that upset my
> digestion. So when I started having more digestive issues I just
> thought it was time I went totally vegetarian. That was going really
> well until I became concerned with the lack of protein in my diet. 2
> days after adding eggs& peanut butter to my diet I ended up in the
> hospital.
> My ultra sound didn't show anything, but the ct scan showed a
> thickening of the gall bladder wall. Nothing showed up on the MRI
> except divertasomething which was "inactive".(I forget the name!I do
> know what it is though).
> The real worry (I think)is with my liver, The liver count(?) was
> really high when I went in, but lowered by the time I left, but it
> tested positive for hepatitis, not a contagious type. All the blood
> tests results weren't in on my last doctor's visit,& I have more
> blood tests Monday, so there could still be other issues.
> They say my gall bladder is inflamed& needs to be removed& I need a
> liver biopsy. I'm kinda ok with the biopsy part, but I hope I can
> avoid the removal part. They want to do it at the same time. I am
> hoping someone could suggest alternatives for me to look into? Thank
> you. Dawn

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Sunday, July 3, 2011


Sunday, July 3, 2011
BEAUTIFUL TOUR IN WEST JAVA Pangandaran - Green Canyon,

One of the exciting activities in Pangandaran is a fairly Water Sport Activities menanntang with the forward side of safety for each participant in the adventure activities in Pangandaran and the Green Canyon.

One of our activities is

RIVER Cijulang is one of the rivers with clear water discharge and empties into the sea through the green canyon one of the attractions worldwide. And Decent enough to be used for activities Rafting BODY.

 Green Canyon tourist spot located in the Village Kertayasa, Ciamis, West Java, about 31 km from Pangandaran. The name was introduced by Green Canyon tourists from France. The greenish color of river water may be the reason this place is called Green Canyon. While the previous name, Cukang Taneuh means land bridge because of the bridge with a width of 3 meters and 40 meters long reach that connects the village with the Village Batukaras Kertayasa.

River Cijulang

The goal is tunnel-like cave which is under the land bridge known as the Cave of the Green Canyon. To reach the cave, you must use a boat down the river Cijulang called ketinting. This boat can only be boarded by five passengers. Price rent a boat or ketinting Rp 75.000, - per boat. The time required to travel starting from the pier towards the cave Ciseureuh approximately 30 minutes.

On the side of the river Cijulang you can enjoy climbing a hill overgrown with lush green trees and rocks that decorate it. The trip will not be boring because of the beautiful scenery and relaxed enjoying the river flow. Naik ketinting can also create unique, especially for children who enjoyed the water.

When nearly there, the line will be narrowed so that the boat had to take turns to enter this path. There is also a regulator that gives directions to the boatmen to go with the order. Near the mouth of the cave, ketinting no longer be able to deliver you and your entourage is not possible because the path traversed.

Green Canyon Cave

Beautiful views await you after getting off the boat. You can enjoy a solid side of the cave to see the stalactite and stalagmites are still dripping. The water continuously issued in the cliff so that the area is referred to as the eternal rain elapsed. You can also swim in the cave by using a float. You will feel the water that feels cool and refreshing. More beautiful scenery while watching the waterfall Palatar contained in the Green Canyon Cave. Swimming in cold water while enjoying the high cliffs and see stalactite and stalagmite definitely an experience in itself is not forgotten.

Green Canyon or Cukang Taneuh is indeed a beautiful tourist attractions in the area of ​​Pangandaran. However, if you intend to visit this place should be visited in the dry season because this season, the river water is green Cijulang Tosca. While in the rainy season, when high rainfall, river water will be brown. Also during the rainy season the river water is likely to be tidal or river water flow is too heavy, so the place was closed to the public for the safety of visitors.

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Pangandaran Beach

Saturday, July 2, 2011
Attraction which is the belle of the beach in West Java is located in the village of Pangandaran Pananjung District with a distance of ± 92 km south of the city Ciamis, has various features such as:

* Can see the sunrise and sunsets from the same place

* Gently sloping beach with clear water and the distance between the ups and downs are relatively long
    allowing us to swim safely

* There are beaches with white sand

* Available rescuers coast tour

* The road is paved smooth with the environment
    adequate street lighting
 There is a marine park with fish and marine life is stunning.
 With the faktok-supporting factors before, then the tourists who come in Pangandaran can perform a wide range of activities: swimming, yachting, fishing, traveling by bicycle, the sailing, jet skiing and others.

The traditional event contained here is intent Sea, the ceremony performed in Pangandaran fishermen as a manifestation of their gratitude to the grace of Almighty God in a way melarung offerings to the sea. This event is usually held on every Muharram, with the East Coast took place in Pangandaran.
Ivent international tourism that is always carried out here is the International Kite Festival (Pangandaran International Kite Festival) with a variety of supporting activities that we can see in every June or July.

Facilities available:
 1. Spacious parking
     quite extensive,
2. Hotel, restaurant, inn, cottage with
     rates vary,
3. Postal services, telecommunications and money changer,
4. Cinemas, discotheques
5. Guides and Tourism Information Center,
6. Caravan,
7. Bicycle rental pool and tires,
8. Parasailing and jetski.

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